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This is supposed to be a page of calligraphic faces, but first I want to show a strange face that was inspired by the strange faces of the nineteenth century. It is called Auldroon, and it is different.

Cuthbert, illustrated above, is also very different. I am not even sure how one would classify it.

FederhozenItalic is part of a family which pretends to be neat calligraphic printing.

GretchenHello is an informal calligraphic face. This is the plain version. There is also a bold version.

This is the bold version of a typeface called Rosary because I took many of the letter forms from my wife's old yearbook. She graduated from a place that used to be called Rosary College, but which has since changed its name.

Xaltid-Bold is a fancier calligraphic font with a number of unusual letter forms.

Zumbelsburg-Plain has extravagant capital letters with more conservative lower-case letters.

Unikled is loosely based on the uncial styles which were popular in the very early medieval period, when most of the people who knew how to write lived in monasteries.

LeakOrLeechLeft is an informal but decorative font that was designed with a pressure-sensitive pad.

The sans serif typefaces which are ubiquitous today did not evolve from the serif faces, but from the gothic faces. Here is a calligraphic face which has almost become a sans-serif face. It is called Rundigsburg.

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altered Dec 2007