Which of the following statements applies best to the production function?

The purpose of the production function is to show that if more of one good is produced, more of all resources must be used.
The purpose of the production function is to show that there is a limited amount that can be produced, and to get more of one good, some of another must be sacrificed.
The production function shows that generally there are many different ways to produce a given level of output.
The production function shows that the purpose of any market economy is to overcome scarcity with the production of goods and services.
The production function shows that as more and more of any one good is produced, it gives consumers decreasing marginal satisfaction.

"When all inputs are increased by 100%, output increases by 98%. When all inputs are increased by 200%, output increases by 194%." This situation is most likely one of:

decreasing returns to scale.
diminishing marginal utility.
the law of diminishing returns.
right-angle isoquants.

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