Which of the following would be counted as unemployed using the definition of the U.S. Department of Labor?

A person who quits a job to become a full-time student
A person who was fired from a job a year ago and wants another job, but is not presently looking because he does not think any exist
A recent college graduate who is looking for a job, but will not accept any job unless it pays at least $100,000
All of the above are unemployed.
None of the above is unemployed.

Which of the following would be counted as unemployed in the U.S. unemployment figures?

A retired electrician
A high-school dropout who wants to work, but does not try to find a job because he is convinced that there are no jobs available
A person working 10 hours a week who would like to work 40 hours
A student who is trying to find part-time work
More than one of the above

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